¿Pagarían 450.000 dólares por una vivienda? ¿Y si la vivienda es virtual? En el metaverso las propiedades alcanzan valores astronómicos. Se comercializan con criptomonedas y se adquieren como NFT. ¿Es solo especulación o vale la pena invertir en inmuebles virtuales?
“…my experience, my experience is… you go, talk to kindergarten kids or first grade kids… you find a class full of science enthusiasts and they ask deep questions… What is a dream? Why do we have toes? Why is the moon round? What's the birthday of the world? Why is grass green?... These are profound important questions they just bubble right out of them... You go and talk to 12th grade students and there's none of that, they've become leaden and incurious… Something terrible has happened between kindergarten and 12th grade and that's not just puberty…”
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