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Showing posts from April, 2022

The Surprising Story Behind The Infinite Staircase Painting | Roger Penr...

Boris Cyrulnik : comment combattre nos servitudes volontaires ?

Certains ont tellement besoin d’appartenir à un groupe, comme ils ont appartenu à leur mère, qu’ils recherchent, voire chérissent, le confort de l’embrigadement. Ils acceptent mensonges et manipulations, plongeant dans le malheur des sociétés entières.  La servitude volontaire engourdit la pensée. « Quand on hurle avec les loups, on finit par se sentir loup. »

Should we stop searching for ultimate truth? | Patricia Churchland and Hilary Lawson debate.

Patricia Churchland and Hilary Lawson clash over ideas of progress and reality.  This short is from "The return of metaphysics" featuring Galen Strawson, Patricia Churchland and Hilary Lawson. Watch the full debate at The twentieth century began with a revolutionary new approach to philosophy. The great arguments about the nature of reality and human experience were deemed empty and meaningless. A new philosophical broom, in the form of analytic philosophy, claimed to sweep away vacuous grand theories and replace them with hard logic and analysis and a close attention to the meaning of the words. Yet, a hundred years on metaphysics is back. Theories of consciousness and the character of reality are once again the topic of debate. Should we welcome this return to stories about the ultimate character of the world? Or do they risk being empty, conveying little other than the prejudices and desires of their authors? Are grand metaphysical ...

Love, Fear, and the Law of Good Intentions

Max Weber,  citing  Leon Trotsky at  Brest-Litovsk ,  bluntly stated that “every state is founded on violence.” The imaginative theories that have been at times employed to justify the  state violence  do not fall under the scope of this article. What is analyzed here is the orderly way in which the state elites have jointly prepared the ground to dominate individuals in the fourth technological revolution. Read my  article on Mises Institute

El boom inmobiliario del metaverso | Enlaces

¿Pagarían 450.000 dólares por una vivienda? ¿Y si la vivienda es virtual? En el metaverso las propiedades alcanzan valores astronómicos. Se comercializan con criptomonedas y se adquieren como NFT. ¿Es solo especulación o vale la pena invertir en inmuebles virtuales?

"Shining" von Stanley Kubrick in einer Minute | ARTE Serien & Filme

Vladimir Mavounia-Kouka, der Regisseur des Animationsfilms „Die Frau mit den vier Saiten“, hat für uns den Spielfilm „Shining“ von Stanley Kubrick in einer animierten Minute zusammengefasst. „Shining“ von Stanley Kubrick wird am 03. Juli 2017 auf ARTE ausgestrahlt.

"Sur la route" de Kerouac, les secrets du rouleau original

Jack Kerouac a écrit la première version de "Sur la route" sur un tapuscrit de 36 mètres de long. Le rouleau, longtemps disparu et finalement retrouvé des décennies après, nous en apprend plus sur le projet littéraire de l'écrivain de la "Beat generation".

¿Qué ofrece hoy el Metaverso?

El Metaverso es la tendencia tecnológica más importante en 2022. Algunos expertos auguran que pronto pasaremos nuestro tiempo libre en mundos virtuales. Lo que es hacer allí posible ahora y lo que podremos hacer en el futuro no muy lejano

Reblochon: The French cheese born of tax evasion

Discover the history of the French cheese born of tax evasion during the Middle Ages.